Well, it’s not a lot compared to some but for a site that simply grew out of a place to dump my skating photos of mates it’s a fair milestone. 500 likes on Facebook may not sound like much but I’m happy with it. As this site and the Facebook page have never received any funding, external contributions nor marketing I think it’s quite an achievement. Over a decade of rolling history in photographic form. It’s not about the self promotion. It’s all about putting in what you can and appreciating those who help you along the way.
So, to each and every one of you that I met through skating; Whether you roll or not, whether we’re still in touch or we’ve moved on I want to say thanks. You were an integral part of my journey. It’s you and the community that we have that have kept UrbanLines going for 11+ years. Let’s see what else we’ve got now shall we?