Richard Taylor Jam 2016

Back to Barry again this year for the Richard Taylor Trophy. As always it was a great day with loads of people turning up to skate, chill, meet up, relax and generally enjoy the day. With some competitions and generous prizes thrown in there was something for everyone.

Thanks as always to Gaynor, Rob and all of the locals who put on the event and the sponsors that supported it.

Of course, if you want some video…
Continue reading Richard Taylor Jam 2016

RJT Trophy – 10 year anniversary

Again I packed up my camera gear to head down to Barry for the weekend; remembering a legend, an inspiration and above a remarkably decent human being. It’s ten years since we lost Rich Taylor and yet again we get together to celebrate the legacy of one who touched so many lives by attending the Richard Taylor Trophy event.

RJT Trophy Logo

This year the competition was held indoor at the Spit and Sawdust park in Cardiff, South Wales. The second day was intended to be a more chilled session at the Knapp skatepark in Rich’s home town of Barry. However due to the park being temporarily closed for repairs and with the weather unpredictable, it was swapped for a Slip’n’Slide session down the hills overlooking the beach.

The Results:

Under 16
1st Jordan Ward
2nd Tom Bellamy
3rd Joe Hughes
1st Tesharn Febz
2nd Andrew Speed
3rd “Barney”
Them wot can
1st Blake Bird
2nd Jake Ricketts
3rd Sam Davis

For those who couldn’t make it, Mark Worner put together an edit from the comp:

I did manage to get some photos from the comp too:

I want to say a huge thanks to Rob and Gaynor for the hospitality. To Riddick for getting us back from Cardiff after someone got far too drunk. To everyone who arranged or helped out with the comp, who turned up, who came out partying. You all helped make this one of the best events, and weekend in general I’ve ever attended.

Can I suggest to all those based in the UK to consider your own legacy and get yourself on the national organ donor register.

And while we’re at it, here’s a quick edit that Jon Peters made of the fun had throwing ourselves down a Welsh hill on the Sunday.

Mini Mission to North Wales

So, a few of us went out to some spots in North Wales to avoid the rain that was plaguing the Manchester area. Some brand new spots were visited, and some clips were bagged. Here’s a selection of the shots from the day.


Richard Taylor Trophy 2013 photos

So, I have been promising for years to get down to the Knapp in Barry for the Rich Taylor comp that runs every year and this year I finally made it… Almost. Well due to other engagements I couldn’t get down early as I would have liked and due to the distance I arrived in glorious sunshine at around 16:30, just as the competition was winding up. Still there were people skating and I’d brought my gear so why not get a few shots while I’m down.

And that’s what I did:

For those, like me, who missed the comp, you really need to watch this edit by Ned Espeut-Nickless

And you want the results? Who am I to refuse?

    Under 16s

  • 1st Niko Salaman
  • 2nd Tasharn Febz
  • 3rd Ethan John

  • 1st Jack Swindells
  • 2nd Mike Salt
  • 3rd Blake Bird
    Rail Comp

  • 1st Jack Swindells
  • 2nd Aaron Turner
  • 3rd Ollie Jones
    Best Trick

  • Danny Brain (Crazy 180 out of the park)