SPTJam 2024

It’s been a while. There’s been events but nothing of the scale that we saw in the past. That was until SPTJam moved location and Mike Marsh brought the annual competition to Rampworx. As soon as this was verified the invitations went out and brought in skaters from all over Europe.

The feel of the event was like that of old, with big tricks going down but at the same time people just jamming with their friends. It was a great opportunity to see faces from the past as well as meet new skaters and supporters that represent the future of the sport.

So, after catching up a bit with those I’ve not spoken to in years, the old camera gear came out and struggled to capture a few shots…

Big Session #2 – Rampworx

Second in the informal series of events organised by David Wing and Stephen Swain. After the success of the first session at Adrenaline Alley, the next venue was chosen to be one of my local parks, Rampworx. Another great attendance from all over the UK as rollerblades outnumbered everyone at the park, even the scooters. Well, I took a few shots and even grabbed a couple of clips from the chilled skating that was in evidence all over the park…


Continue reading Big Session #2 – Rampworx

Laced 2015 Skating Photos

Busy day. Some amazing skating and a great atmosphere. Here’s my shots from the event:

Pre-Laced 2015 Friday Night Photos

Tripping over to Rampworx after work on a Friday night, these are just a few shots I picked off from the Pre-Laced session. Just an open session in the park that a number of visiting skaters were using to warm up and get a feel for the park ready for the main event.

Rampworx Inline Only June 2014

Rampworx-LogoJust some photos I shot at the recent Inline Only session at Rampworx. They run regularly so you should get down to the next one if you can make the journey.

This time I was feeling particularly lazy so not only did I not skate (I skate there most weeks anyway) but I also only took photos of the main driveway section. I hope you enjoy the few shots I got anyway:

Looking back a decade – Rampworx

Do you remember what you were doing ten years ago? Fortunately I’ve been carrying a camera most places since long before the #selfie became a thing so I can roll back the years quite easily. In this case, on the 8th of May 2004 I was skating Rampworx with a few friends and a camera. If you never saw the park back then, or if you did and feel like getting nostalgic check out the main room image below. The first panoramic stitch I ever did…

Rampworx 2004 Panorama

Also, keep an eye out as I’m uploading all of my old photos to the gallery so these should start appearing over the next few weeks. For now, see what other shots I got on that day:

Shots from Rampworx Inline Only

I was just trying out some new kit. More toys to come. For now just have a browse through the few shots I grabbed on Monday.

Jenna Downing Pro Skate Launch

As part of the release for Jenna’s pro model skate from Razors, a launch event was arranged to coincide with an inline only night at Rampworx. As is the way of things, restrictions of work and the time management skills of an average skater meant I couldn’t make it for long but I did shoot a few frames and you can check them out below:

Slamm Jamm 15 – Photos are out

Slamm_Jamm_15_LogoSo it took a while. Part of that was of course recovering from the weekend, but now I can face the light again I thought I’d better get the pictures done and out for all to see. As is standard for such an event there are more photos of the afterparty than there were from the skating itself, but who’s surprised?

If you want to see more of the skating that went down, check out the videos below:

Continue reading Slamm Jamm 15 – Photos are out

Rampworx Inline Only Night July 2013 – a few shots

As is occasionally the way, I didn’t manage to make it down to the skatepark early enough to get a roll myself, but I thought that as I was there it would be rude not to grab a few shots. So, I just headed over to the bowl for the last hour of the session with a couple of flashes and caught whatever was occurring…