MCR Street Jam 2015

I didn’t get many shots at the Jam this year so you’ll have to take my word that it was the biggest and best yet. Great weather, amazing people and serious skating. The best atmosphere you can get when sessioning. just a crowd of friends meeting up for good times and to share times with the best company.

1st – Yuri Botelho – LocoSkates £100 prize plus more!
2nd – Dave Mutschall – nuff stuff!
3rd – Dan Collins – more stuff!
Special prize goes to Niko Salaman for smashing it! Pair of Razors Scott Quinn signature pro skate.
James Keyte special prize, a palm sized tattoo from Tatt Studioix Manchester!

Thanks again to Alex, Scott, Lemon, Jam, the Peters family for bringing the box and everyone who helped support, organise, and clear up after such an amazing event.

A wet week in Lisbon

So five of us went to Lisbon. We found mostly cobbles and rain. It was a great week and we did find some spots to skate. Here’s a glimpse of what happened when the sun came out (or went down).

Oh, and yes, there will be an edit. What did you expect? It has however been delayed due to technical (if you can call a Mac technical) issues. It’s turn up at some point though. It’s on rollerblader time. When it’s ready…

A few shots in Manchester

After the first decent session in Manchester with a load of skaters meeting up to skate throughout the day, the cold eventually got the better of many. As the evening wore on those who endured moved to somewhere that could be skated in the dark nights of Northern England and I took a few shots…

One City One Shot Episode #8

It was good to see John Goodman back out on skates. In celebration we decided to have a fun session around his local area. After a quick warmup at the ghetto council park we checked out this evil beast. It’s not much to look at but it’s rough and the autumn leaves weren’t helping a lot.

To be honest we only stayed a short time as Kyle and John landed a few tricks and we then moved off for more fun little spots. I grabbed a few shots here because there was no way I was going to even look at that rail with wheels on my feet. This was my favourite of the day.

 MG 5697

Salford Que?

Just making the most of the end of summer by hitting up a few spots up in Manchester with the locals.

MCR Street Jam 2014

MCR_Street_Jam_LogoIn planning the second of what could become the UK’s primary street skate event, local boy and international rollerblading legend Alex Burston could never have guessed it would be right in the middle of the hottest weather of the year. Which would have been perfect, were it not for the biggest summer thunderstorms the area has seen for a generation landing right at the same time.

Was it a washout though? Did the street skaters pack up and go home? Of course not. Everyone still came and converged on Castlefields Arena as you would expect and when there was a break in the rain long enough to clear some of the puddles, mayhem commenced. The MCR Street Jam was on for another year.

Filmed by Scott Hallows and Tim Darker for The Booted

I however set off late and having nearly been washed off the M6 on my journey North decided to play it safe and went straight to the “after session” organised at Bones Skatepark. Here I got my camera out and took a few shots of the very hot warm-down session that occurred.

One City One Shot Episode #7

Well we were back out in Manchester, hitting up a number of completely virgin spots as the weather has started to improve. These were spots that had never been skated before and it will be a while before they are skated like this again. Then at the end of the day, Kyle suggested we just check out a high, steep ledge that he’d seen in the area. And so was born this shot of Stephen Swain, Tru Mizou on this fresh, chest high beveled concrete ledge as the sun goes down over Eccles.


And though it goes against the general ethos of OCOS, if you want to see the other shots we picked up during the day, there’s a small gallery of the day.

THIRTEEN has been released

Contamination due to exposure to the THIRTEEN contagion is imminent. Evidence has been compiled of the last 12 months documenting what can happen to normal skaters when infected. Tricks become ill and skating manifests into sessions at the slightest encouragement. The only thing stopping this phenomenon from hitting pandemic levels was the skaters’ inherent defence mechanism – being late.

The seeds have been sown and are now evolving. This will get bigger. Protect yourself.

One City One Shot Episode #6

Out and about grabbing a few clips, checking out some new spots after trying to get a look at Euxton skatepark through the swathes of scooters. We find ourselves in Chorley. Nothing much to account for the day apart from some fun times. That was until this tempting little beauty hit the radar. Kyle Murray stepped up and regardless of the proximity of the barriers and shopping trolley ranks, dropped this farside soul through the kink.
