Post-Winterclash 2015 Sunday Photos

Back at Area 51 in the morning after clearing out yet another bar of all its available beer the night before and a chill session in the park with the stragglers. Just a few hours of relaxed skating to capture this time before packing up and heading back for the ferry home.

Winterclash 2015 Saturday Photos

Still working through all of the photos I have amassed at the end of last month. I had also forgotten that I got shots from three days at Area 51, not just the two of Winterclash so the third instalment of the Dutch trilogy will be coming soon(ish). For now though, the second day of skating in Eindhoven for Winterclash 2015.

Winterclash 2015 Friday Photos

Slowly working through the hundreds of photos I took over the past two weekends. Here’s the first batch done – Friday session at Area 51 for Winterclash 2015. Working through these I realised a couple of things. First I don’t like skaters who wear all black. You make my life difficult. Second I spend far too much time watching the girls skate.

Skate Wallpaper – Stéphanie Richer

I thought it was about time I looked at part two of my wallpaper series and what better source than the shots I got at Winterclash? One of my favourite shots from the weekend has to be this Top Mistral from Bombasse Crew representative Stéphanie Richer. As is standard here, the image has been resized and cropped to be optimised on a 1920×1080 resolution screen but should work on any screen with a little tweaking.

Anyway, enjoy.

Stephanie Wallpaper

Winterclash X

Winterclash X LogoAnother trip over to Eindhoven occurred recently. It was two years since Team Icecream last hit Area 51 skatepark for Winterclash and it was time for a return. After a few false starts including 2 of our number getting on board the ferry with less than seconds to spare, and a number of technical issues regarding the compatibility of my flashes, things ended up going as amazingly as usual. The skating was yet again at a level that shocked everyone, particularly the closing of the gap between the kids, ams and girls and that of the pros.

On a side note; if you’re ever in the area and can possibly eat, you need to check out Rodeo for the best steaks pretty much anywhere. 500g fillet is the one.

Anyway, back to business. Over the two days I did manage to get a few shots. Nothing amazing, but enough to get a feel for the event. Unfortunately nothing from the party due to my overlooking the process of requesting permission from the club (Effenaar – great night BTW) in advance, but anyway, check these out:

Now, time to fix my flashes and get some sleep before Laced tomorrow (later today).