One City One Shot Episode #3

Today’s update to the (slow) series is Mark Lee skating in Manchester. As the light was fading, our guide JP brought us to this gem with enough time to grab a clip, and maybe a decent photo. I wasn’t expecting to get much of this as the rail is ridiculously long, and it turned out to be demonically fast. A few test tries later and Mark nails this slick farv all the way down. Not that he was bothered as you can tell from his face.

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One City One Shot Episode #2

After taking quite a liking to the format of One Shot in Manc I have decided to occasionally get out occasionally and just pick the best shot to showcase. This time is was prompted by a visit by Dean Makin up to Stoke. Unfortunately on the day most of the spots we visited we unavailable but this one, though damp (and remaining so due to the Potteries Drizzle) was where we ended up. A derelict demolition site with only a couple of outbuildings remaining, accompanied by their rusty stair rails…

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Dean Makin – Fishbrain – Bentilee

One City One Shot – Manchester

It was a lazy day with no plans that turn into a mad night in Manchester. Yes we skated, but that was not the primary mission on this day so I only grabbed a single photo. With only a few minutes on this spot I turned to the ever-reliable John Goodman to provide the subject matter and this is what I got straight out of the gun:

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