Rampworx Inline Only Night July 2013 – a few shots

As is occasionally the way, I didn’t manage to make it down to the skatepark early enough to get a roll myself, but I thought that as I was there it would be rude not to grab a few shots. So, I just headed over to the bowl for the last hour of the session with a couple of flashes and caught whatever was occurring…

New UL Facebook Page for Rolling Media

Rolling Media LogoI was bored and looking through YouTube for some skating videos. I considered going over to TrollerNews but then who wants to support a company that takes cash out of the industry and supports the pathetic pre-teen anonymous haters. I wanted somewhere that I could see all of the latest media with the least hassle, so I made it. The new Facebook page is Called Rolling Media Feed and does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s just a basic feed from a number of rolling media channels; both the big names and the small local guys covering their own scene.

The idea is to simply post links direct to the media (not forcing you to go through our site) as it is made available. Like the page and you should see new videos come up in your feed, or just visit the page to see what has already been posted in one place. So far there is only a few video feeds set up, and it’s working through a backlog to get some content up. Hopefully soon you will start to see the latest releases in videography, photography and articlography (?). If you know of someone that is providing their own original content online and should be shared to the skaters out there in the inline community, then please send us details and get them included.

For now, how about a trick from Create Originals™ rider Mark Wojda back in 2010?

And Now For Something Completely Different – Jenna Downing

Logo - Jenna DowningTen times British champion Jenna Downing speaks to respected local film make Simon Mulvaney about what skating has meant to her since starting at the age of 8 at Rehab, Wakefield. This video gives more insight into the effect the sport has had on her throughout her life so far and how she is looking forward to the future and continuing to contribute to push skating forward into new territories.

Continue reading And Now For Something Completely Different – Jenna Downing

Digging through archives (Part 1?)

Tewy Star Jump at SYSWhile tidying up some folders on the laptop I came across some old shots that had been hidden away. Images that haven’t been shown because they didn’t fit anywhere. Put away in folders like “Misc” and “temp” they are a time capsule to be opened only when I am bored enough to sort through them. Today is one of those days.

So here, just for you is one for you from the days when skaters would swarm rather than trickle into a skate spot. The days when UFS was still an option and grind plates were common. Who can remember the who, when and where? If you’re stuck, follow the link to the gallery of the day…

One City One Shot Episode #5

So, the snow had finally (mostly) melted, not that we could tell as we drove over the Pennines to Sheffield. Surrounded by the pure white hills and clear lake water none of us could quite believe that spring had arrived and we were going to skate. The Steel City itself however was relatively warm and sunny and rammed full of skate spots. After the first few warm up spots, I grabbed some decent shots but then as the sun went down we hit our last spot of the day.

This is where Steve Swain decided to test out his new Kaltik Frames and flat setup on not only the kink rail, but this insane double set gap.


Just wait for that footage…

Get Out The Way

Get Out The Way LogoNot much to say except this event looks amazing. Watch the video then book your tickets I say. Roll on Summer sessions in Amsterdam.

Suspension Frames to come from Create Originals?

Remember Fiziks frames? What about Kizer suspension frames? These were concepts that were heralded as a new solution to rough surfaces and many other claims. Neither of these products lasted long but now the guys from Create Originals are stepping up to the plate. In this Kickstarter project they are looking for backers to help them progress their ideas from prototype into production.

Create CRS Continue reading Suspension Frames to come from Create Originals?

One City One Shot Episode #4

A weekend in Manchester and people are out. This is in no small part down to the efforts of new boy to the area (though long time friend and supporter of UrbanLines) Kyle Murray. It seems only fitting then that of all the spots that have been wrecked recently, this is the pick of the last couple of days. First spot of the day and Kyle’s back royale on this ridiculous metal drop ledge.


Rampworx Scooter Nursery?

Rampworx LogoChanges are afoot. One of the last bastions of scooter-free skating in the UK is to go. Rampworx, the UK’s biggest and possibly busiest indoor skate park has buckled under the pressure of the scooter-moms. One of the top skate parks in Europe, they have until now had a bar on scooter use in general sessions, opting instead for bi-weekly Scooter only nights but this is to change.

Is this the end of a great institution?
Continue reading Rampworx Scooter Nursery?

One City One Shot Episode #3

Today’s update to the (slow) series is Mark Lee skating in Manchester. As the light was fading, our guide JP brought us to this gem with enough time to grab a clip, and maybe a decent photo. I wasn’t expecting to get much of this as the rail is ridiculously long, and it turned out to be demonically fast. A few test tries later and Mark nails this slick farv all the way down. Not that he was bothered as you can tell from his face.

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