SPTJam 2024

It’s been a while. There’s been events but nothing of the scale that we saw in the past. That was until SPTJam moved location and Mike Marsh brought the annual competition to Rampworx. As soon as this was verified the invitations went out and brought in skaters from all over Europe.

The feel of the event was like that of old, with big tricks going down but at the same time people just jamming with their friends. It was a great opportunity to see faces from the past as well as meet new skaters and supporters that represent the future of the sport.

So, after catching up a bit with those I’ve not spoken to in years, the old camera gear came out and struggled to capture a few shots…

Winterclash 2015 Saturday Photos

Still working through all of the photos I have amassed at the end of last month. I had also forgotten that I got shots from three days at Area 51, not just the two of Winterclash so the third instalment of the Dutch trilogy will be coming soon(ish). For now though, the second day of skating in Eindhoven for Winterclash 2015.

Winterclash 2015 Friday Photos

Slowly working through the hundreds of photos I took over the past two weekends. Here’s the first batch done – Friday session at Area 51 for Winterclash 2015. Working through these I realised a couple of things. First I don’t like skaters who wear all black. You make my life difficult. Second I spend far too much time watching the girls skate.

Laced 2014 – Catchup

Laced LogoOK, it seems I’ve been a little negligent. I appear to have forgotten to upload some photos from previous events. First and foremost amongst these is Laced from earlier this year. Only one of the biggest events on the year, so nothing important like.

So I’ll shut up now and post the photos…