Livi Skate Party 2015

It was a while ago but I finally got around to sorting through the few photos I took. Another quality day out in the sun(!) in Scotland. Tunes, friends, skating, a few beers and general revelry with some prizes and stuff going on in the background…

A wet week in Lisbon

So five of us went to Lisbon. We found mostly cobbles and rain. It was a great week and we did find some spots to skate. Here’s a glimpse of what happened when the sun came out (or went down).

Oh, and yes, there will be an edit. What did you expect? It has however been delayed due to technical (if you can call a Mac technical) issues. It’s turn up at some point though. It’s on rollerblader time. When it’s ready…

Laced 2015 Skating Photos

Busy day. Some amazing skating and a great atmosphere. Here’s my shots from the event:

Pre-Laced 2015 Friday Night Photos

Tripping over to Rampworx after work on a Friday night, these are just a few shots I picked off from the Pre-Laced session. Just an open session in the park that a number of visiting skaters were using to warm up and get a feel for the park ready for the main event.

Post-Winterclash 2015 Sunday Photos

Back at Area 51 in the morning after clearing out yet another bar of all its available beer the night before and a chill session in the park with the stragglers. Just a few hours of relaxed skating to capture this time before packing up and heading back for the ferry home.

Winterclash 2015 Saturday Photos

Still working through all of the photos I have amassed at the end of last month. I had also forgotten that I got shots from three days at Area 51, not just the two of Winterclash so the third instalment of the Dutch trilogy will be coming soon(ish). For now though, the second day of skating in Eindhoven for Winterclash 2015.

Winterclash 2015 Friday Photos

Slowly working through the hundreds of photos I took over the past two weekends. Here’s the first batch done – Friday session at Area 51 for Winterclash 2015. Working through these I realised a couple of things. First I don’t like skaters who wear all black. You make my life difficult. Second I spend far too much time watching the girls skate.

A few shots in Manchester

After the first decent session in Manchester with a load of skaters meeting up to skate throughout the day, the cold eventually got the better of many. As the evening wore on those who endured moved to somewhere that could be skated in the dark nights of Northern England and I took a few shots…

Edit from UK History

Rollerblading Is Easy.

We all know that, but in this case it is specific to a rather major UK point in history. At the height of its popularity in the UK, a number of “real” street comps were organised. This was one of these. Arranged by a group of skaters with no real interest in marketing, profits, fame, or whatever else seems to be needed to get people interested in a competition these days, this was amongst a few big gatherings we’ve had outside of skateparks in the UK. Arranged and publicised only through word of mouth and the ubiquitous UKSkate forums, skaters turned up from all over the country.

Well, as luck would have it over a decade after the event I found an old edit sat in an archive I have of old skate edits. More may be posted as I look through them. Enjoy:

And for my own perspective on the day, check out the gallery of photos I took at the time:
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