Epic Jam

It’s been ages since I updated the front page of this site. I’m hoping to sort out some sort of content management system to keep it all tidy and save me time in getting things on here. For now though it’s still a ball ache but I’ll try to do it a little more often…

Ben Mellor

Ade Wallace

Ty Brisset

Anyway, a couple of months ago was the Epic Jam. Initially planned as an evening event, it was extended to an all-nighter due to worries from some of the rollers about getting home on the bus so late at night. I’m afraid to say that most people bottled it and left far too early anyway.

I’ve slowly been putting up the photos I took at the event (wasn’t skating due to a damaged knee) and I’ve finally finished working on the last of the pics. I should have them on the gallery in the next day or 2 so keep watching out for those. In the meantime check out the park if you’ve not seen it before:

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