Winterclash 2013 – first edits and clips

Winterclash LogoAs I missed the fun and frolics of this year’s Winterclash I’ve been limited to catching my updates through the clips and edits that others have been posting online. Seeing them pop up on my Facebook feed has kept me up to speed on what was going down in Eindhoven and who was killing the park.

However, it dawned on me that Facebook feeds don’t last so I have been back through and have put together a list of the footage that I have seen so far. I’ll be watching these until an official edit comes through, so would appreciate any contributions to the list that I may have missed.

First the edits:

Continue reading Winterclash 2013 – first edits and clips

Why To Use Bearing Spacers

Having just received my new Bake Frames setup, I put them onto my Xsjados for a quick test. They weren’t as fast as I’d hoped to see on a 72mm flat setup. I worked out the problem though; I was missing the bearing spacers.

Bearing SpacerFar too many people misunderstand what contributes to a good skate setup. They will pay through the nose for ABEC 9 bearings (which will reduce friction by less than 1% over cheap unrated bearings) but then don’t use bearing spacers.

Bearing spacers are the small (typically aluminium or steel) tubes that go inside the wheels between the bearings. Without these, tightening the wheel bolts puts lateral forces on the bearings, causing a huge increase in friction and wear damage. With the spacers in, these forces are removed and only radial forces are applied, which the bearings are designed to take. Your rolling resistance will drop dramatically when using spacers.

In this video you will see the very clear difference between the skate with the bearing spacers and that without. Seriously, make sure you have them. They are cheap and improve your setup immeasurably. That and having the right bolts (6mm vs 8mm) for your frames will not only make your skates faster, but they will last longer as well.

Seba CJ vs USD Carbon

USD Carbon vs Seba CJ

Rip off, or just similar? There seems to be some controversy around the new skate from Seba. Shown here in a shot by Kate Egan from the Lady Rollers Organisation at Winterclash 2013 this weekend is the new CJ Wellsmore model (left) alongside the Carbon IV model from USD (right) released last summer. There is no question that they are a very similar design, but is this copying? There are only so many ways to lay out a boot, especially given the constraints of using a fabric covered carbon boot, but have Seba gone too far?

Laced 2013 – Official Video Edit (and others)

Laced LogoIt looks like Jordan Maders has been hard at work again and smashed out another edit in super fast time. It’s the official video for Laced 2013, the latest in the line of events from the Laced Series. I can’t believe he’s managed to put out such an edit in less than 48 hours, especially considering the Red Bull afterparty at Aloha. Enough from me – watch:

If that’s not enough for you, then below are the other videos I’ve seen posted and will add more as they emerge. Continue reading Laced 2013 – Official Video Edit (and others)

Bake Frames Kickstarter Launch

Bake Frames LogoSo another brand hits the the streets, or will do with a little help. Following in the footsteps of Irish brand Kaltik comes Bake, another frame company based just over the water in Liverpool.

The first frame to be released is to be early in 2013. It is a freeskate style frame, accepting a flat setup of 72mm wheels while retaining a (limited) H-block. As with all frames, these are a compromise between the speed, smooth ride and control of the big wheels, and the low centre of gravity and grind space of an aggressive frame. Having a longer wheelbase than some of their competitors while retaining an absolute minimum height should make these great for bombing hills, riding natural transitions and general fun skating. The H-block that it allows will also mean they can still function as an aggressive setup (though you will really need to commit).

Prototypes with 72mm Kryptonics on Xsjado skates

So, here’s where you come in. The guys have invested a lot of time, effort and cash into getting to the prototype stage and now they have set up a Kickstarter project to move forward. If you are unaware of this phenomenon, it is a way to raise production capital by pre-selling to customers. Basically, if they raise their target then the frames go into production. If not, you keep your cash and no frames (at least not yet).

Click here to visit the Bake Kickstarter page for more details and to pre-order (or buy t-shirts, stickers etc).

UKSkate/Bones – View the park

I heard that there was going to be a few skaters at UKSkate last night, so I decided to take the opportunity to bring my camera down and shoot some frames. Had a good evening (and will post some of the pictures when I get to them) but once the park emptied I couldn’t miss taking some up to date panoramic photos of the three rooms.

Check the panoramics below; click an grab to pan around each room:

[ptviewer image=2012/12/UKSkate-Beginners-Panorama-2012.jpg imagewidth=2000 imageheight=386 horizon=193 hfov=360 auto=0.1]Beginners/Scooter Area[/ptviewer] Continue reading UKSkate/Bones – View the park

Boneyard 2011 Panoramic

Just a quick post for the archives since I can now add panoramic images to the site. This is what The Boneyard Skatepark looked like after it’s major refurbishment in 2011. The new smooth wooden floors completely transformed the park. Smooth lines in every direction are the order of the day here. The far side of the park had also take a major overhaul. Adding in a new box/ledge (now with rail) pyramid, and long quarter with sub-box (now wallride) revitalised this oft-overlooked section of real estate.

Since this image were taken, a number of further updates have been added and as always with a skater-run park there are many many plans in the pipeline. However just as a marker in the sand, this was in my opinion the biggest jump forward for the guys in the Cheshire countryside so far and deserved a post albeit a late one.

[ptviewer image=2012/11/MG_4000-Panorama.jpg imagewidth=2000 imageheight=346 horizon=173 hfov=360 auto=0.1]Boneyard Skatepark 2011[/ptviewer]

Rollernews Drama (anyone surprised?)

Call me a hypocrite if you like, getting drawn into drama about a site that thrives on drama but on this occasion I feel it is necessary. I’ve never been a fan of Rollernews primarily because as someone who produces their own (copyrighted) content I do not like how they steal and profit from the work of others and put literally nothing back into supporting the sport. Added into that the encouragement of lies, drama and all round divisive behaviour by their readers and it’s a pretty detrimental influence on our sport as a whole.

This has been highlighted recently and quite succinctly in a post by Dave Lang on Facebook where a video he shot at Nitro Circus Live was used by Rollernews, but they then blocked Dave from commenting on it.

Check this link for details.